'The New Year' has thrown open its golden gates, the only ticket necessary for entry being a resolution to make yourself a more wholesome, healthy person, setting you once again on the ever elusive course to perfection. Ahem.
Part in rebellion, and part in recognition of my need to aim for this perfectly happy ideal life thing, my resolution is:
"Be more badass."
Or more specifically, to do one thing everyday that makes me feel badass.
I'd just like to discuss the definition of 'badass.' Tattoos and guns and car chases and leather jackets all spring to mind I'm sure, and if you have any idea who I am, you would lol your way right off into the sunset and never return in order to save yourself the agony of witnessing my dismal failure. HOWEVER, I believe the actual essence of badassery is doing stuff that makes you feel cool or awesome simply beacuse YOU want to. Doing something someone else thinks is badass ain't gonna make me feel badass unless I also think that its badass. Kapeesh?
For instance. On 2nd January 2011, my badass act was baking a loaf of bread. REASONS: (a) I've never done it before so I was embarking into the unknown, a common trait of badass acts (Jason Bourne doesn't even know WHO HE IS! That's pretty unknown, and oh so synonymous with having no idea how to bake bread), and (b) it fed my family, and we all know that the most badass dudes only perform their badassery in order to protect their clan (the Mafia anyone?!!). Not overly convincing perhaps, but one must ease oneself into these things.
On 3rd January, my badass act was having friends over for a marathon game of Pictionary which lasted until 3am, and on January 4th, my badass act was going mountain biking for the birthday of one of my closest friends. SO BADASS.
...ok it may seem like I'm shooting myself in the foot by even listing my seemingly pitiful attempts at badassery, but however apparently mediocre my success in the School of Badassery, if I feel badass in the process, then I've achieved my goal. Bitchez.